ティク・ナット・ハン師の“Islaeli-Parestinian Retreat 2003”における講話 (1日目――1〜6)

※日時・場所:2003年10月20日 Islaeli-Parestinian Retreat 2003 "Resting In God" (Plum Villedgeにて)
※文字起こし・和訳:当ブログの管理人 (動画内に表示される日本語字幕まるな工房さんが製作なさったものです)*1


1日目―― 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 (…全11章で、随時更新します。)

〈第1日目――1 of 11〉


Good morning my dear friends. Welcome to the I.P Retreat.

Is possible to organize a retreat like a picnic? I think so. Because in a picnic, we enjoy doing everything. When you drive to the site to the picnic, you enjoy driving. Or you walk to the picnic place, you enjoy walking. If you went to a camp, you fit your tent with joy. You don't think of that as a labor, as a work. You enjoy to fit your tent, you enjoy everything. If you cook something, you enjoy cooking. You do everything in that spirit. You enjoy everything you do in a picnic.

I tell you a story. There was a teacher and his student. They were so busy. They never had a chance to have a picnic. How come they are so busy? The teacher and the student were lived in a temple. And yet they were so busy. If you live in a temple as so busy, it's not worth to live in a temple. You can live outside. Most people outside are very busy. I don't know why the teacher and the student lived in a temple and they got so busy.

In Plum Village, we try not to be too busy. We have lazy days. Lazy days for us is to practice just be lazy. We try very hard not to do anything. Because many of us are used to be doing something, that has become a habit. People feel that they would die if they don't have anything to do. They are always undergo. They are always running. They don't have chance to stop.

I think a lazy days in Plum Village are not so easy to practice if you are not to used to practice of be lazy. You are not supposed to do anything in a lazy days. There is no sitting meditation, there is no walking meditation, there is no bell, no schedule, no dharma discussion, and not it. You are on your own. And yet many who like to do walking meditation by that own in a lazy way. Those who want to do some cooking in a lazy way. Some who like to do sitting meditation in a lazy way. They are not forced anything. They just do it for their own pleasure.

I want to go back to that couple. That student and the teacher who had no time for a picnic. The student said, "Teacher, can you arrange for a picnic?". "Yes, we manage to find a day we can go to the picnic." And yet they could not have one day whenever to go the picnic. One year and two years and three years, they never had chance to go to the picnic. One day, they were walking together in the city. There was a funeral procession. The teacher asked the student, "What is that?". The student said that "They have a picnic". There was only picnic they had when they died.

A bomb may explode today. And yet we have a picnic. I have lived out two wars in Vietnam. I know what is the war. What is the war? You don't know whether you can be alive this afternoon or evening. There is fear, there is anger, there is despair. If you don't know how to manage, you can not survive. You are just waiting for your picnic. You are not ready for your picnic. That is why our practice is to have the picnic right here and right now. Don't have to wait. That is why we want very much for you to organize your I.P Retreat here as a picnic and enjoy every moment of it. I think that is possible. Because we have the experiences of doing picnics.


 リトリートをピクニックのように行うことはできるでしょうか? 私はできると思います。私たちはピクニックのとき、あらゆることを楽しむのですから。ピクニックの場所へ車を運転して行くとき、あなたは運転を楽しみます。歩いて行くのなら、あなたは歩くことを楽しむのです。キャンプへ行ったなら、楽しみながらテントを張るでしょう。それを労働とか仕事だとは思わない。あなたはテントを張るのを楽しむし、あらゆることを楽しみます。料理をするなら、料理することを楽しむ。すべてのことをそういう気持ちで行います。ピクニックのとき、あなたは何でも楽しみます。





 爆弾は今日、爆発するかもしれない。それでも私たちはピクニックをするのです。私はヴェトナムで2つの戦争を生き延びました。戦争がどんなものか、私は知っていますよ。戦争とはどんなものでしょう? 戦争のときは、その日の午後、あるいはその夜に自分が生きていられるかどうか分からないのです。そこにある恐怖、怒り、絶望……そういうものを取り扱う術を知らなかったら生き延びられません。[そのままでは]あなたはピクニックを待っているだけであって、ピクニックをする準備はできていません。だから私たちは「今、ここ」でピクニックをすることを実践するのです。ピクニックを待つのではなくて。このI.Pリトリートをピクニックのように行ってほしい、そしてそのすべての瞬間を楽しんでほしいと思っているのはそのためです。それは可能なことです。私たちにはピクニックの経験がたくさんあるのですから。

〈第1日目――2 of 11〉


(聴き取れなかった語句は [...] の記号で置き換えています。 )

Picnic can happen right now in this very moment. We are sitting here. Are we there to do something? No, we have nothing to do. We just enjoy our sitting with no worries. Because sitting is a pleasure. Sitting and listen to someone speaking is a pleasure. You don't need to learn anything, you don't need to pass an exam, to get a diploma. You just sit there, and enjoy breathing in and out, and listen to someone speaking about peace. It is not our intention to give you ideas about peace. You have got plenty of ideas about peace. Our intention is to be peace. In the right in the here and the now. To be peace in the here and now. Not to talk about peace. This is possible. Because peace should be there in your body, in your feelings, in your perceptions, and in your consciousness. You have your body. Your body may not in the peace. We learn how to bring peace to our body right in the here, right in the now.

We know that our body suffers. There is a tension, there is a stress, there is a pressure, there is a pain within our body. We have work our body too hard. Our body has been exposed a lot of pressure. We don't feel good within our body. There are many conflicts within our body. The way we handle our body has made our body suffer so much. There is no real peace within our body. So what to do in order to bring peace to our body? This is what we try to do. We don't need a lot of time to do it.

To allow your body to rest. To allow your body itself to renew itself, to heal itself. That is something possible, we can do it today. After 1 or 2 hours or few, much better. We are not talking about peace to our body. We are bringing peace to it.

We have a feelings. With my feel sad, with my feel painful, with my feel excited. There are lot of feelings going on in us like a river. A river of feelings. There are unpleasant feelings, painful feelings, exciting feelings, and so on. There is no peace in our feelings. How to learn to bring peace to our feelings? This can be done now. You don't need a lot of theory. We can enjoy doing it; bringing peace to our feelings right here and right now. Our time together is very precious. We don't talk about peace. We try to make peace a reality right here and right now within our body, within our feelings.

We have also our emotions. Like an anger, like a fear, like a despair. We don't know how to handle. Every time anger come up, every time fear overwhelm us, every time despair overwhelm us, we suffer. We don't know what to do in order to be free from them. In here Plum Village, together with other friends who know how to handle our feelings or our emotions, we learn how to handle our emotions as well. We have 15 minutes of learning our practice, you begin to know how to handle our fear, how to handle our despair, and how to handle our anger. This is very important.

If you can't handle your fear or anger or despair, you can't talk about peace. If you don't know how to handle your body and your feelings, you can't talk about peace. And so you handle them well, you bring peace or harmony into your body, into your feelings, into your emotions.

Then we have our perceptions. Our perceptions are the ground for our actions. They bring off our feelings or emotions. We perceive things. But because we are not calm, we are not [...] . We are overweighed with our fear, our anger, our despair. That is why we do not perceive things as they are. We have wrong perceptions. We have wrong perceptions on who we are, or on who they are, and what is the world. We have wrong perceptions concerning ourselves, concerning them, and concerning our situations. This wrong perceptions are the foundations for all action that we bring unhappiness, destruction, and fear and anger. That is why we should be able to handle our perceptions. To see whether that perception is wrong one or a right perception. Most of our suffering come from our wrong perceptions. That is why we should have the time to consider to look deeply into the nature of our perceptions in order to be caught in them, by them. Because perceptions are the foundations of all feeling, emotions, afflictions and so on.

The fact is that in our daily life we are very [...] free of these feelings, perceptions, and mental formations. We are rarely ourselves. We are victim of our feelings, of our wrong perceptions, of our emotions. We are like something a leaf floating on the ocean. Waves are push us. We don't have our own sovereignty of our situation. We allow ourselves to be carried away, pulled away by our feelings, our mental formations, our wrong perceptions. That is why very important to come home to ourselves and master the situations and be the master of ourselves. We do not live our own live. We allow our live to be [...] circumstances around us. We have been victim of what is happening, we can rarely be ourselves and become master of our situation. Therefore it is very important to go home to ourselves.

 ピクニックは今、まさにこの瞬間に起こり得ます。私たちはここに座っていますが、何かをするために居るのでしょうか? そうではありません。することは何もありませんよ。心配することなしに、座ることをただ楽しむだけです。座るのは楽しいことですからね。座って、そして誰かが話しているのを聴くのは楽しいことです。何かを勉強する必要はないし、試験に通る必要もない、免状をもらう必要もありません。あなたはここに座るだけ。そして息が出入りするのを楽しんで、平和について誰かが語るのを聴くのです。私たちが目的とするのは、平和についての意見をあなた方に伝えることではありません。あなた方はすでに平和についての意見をたくさん持っています。私たちが目的とするのは、平和であることです。今、ここでです。今、ここで平和であること。平和について語るのではなくてね。それは可能です。平和はあなたの身体に、気持ち(feelings)に、知覚(perceptions)に、意識(consciousness)に在るべきですから。あなたには身体がありますが、その身体は平和の中にいないかもしれません。私たちは、私たちの身体に今、ここで平和をもたらす方法を学ぶのです。

 私たちの身体は苦しみます。私たちの身体の中には緊張があり、ストレスがあり、プレッシャーがあり、痛みがあります。私たちは身体を酷使してきました。身体はたくさんのプレッシャーに曝されてきました。私たちは身体の中に心地良さを感じられないのです。身体の中にはたくさんの葛藤もあります。私たちが身体を扱うやり方が、身体を非常に苦しめてきました。私たちの身体には現実の平和はありません。では身体に平和をもたらすために何をすればよいでしょう? それが私たちの試みることなんです。それをするのに多くの時間は要りません。






 実際のところ、私たちの日常生活では、私たちはこれらの気持ちや知覚や、心の形成物(mental formations)*2から自由になることはほとんどありません。私たちが私たち自身であるときは滅多にない。私たちは気持ちや間違った知覚や感情の犠牲者です。それは海に浮かぶ木の葉のようなものです。波が私たちを押す……私たちは私たちの状況についての主権を持っていません。私たちは、自分自身が心の形成物(mental formations)や気持ちや間違った知覚によってぐんぐん引っ張られ、流されていくままにしています。だから私たちは私たち自身に還り、状況をしっかり掴んで私たち自身の主人となることが非常に大切です。私たちは私たち自身の人生を生きていません。私たちは、自分の人生が周りの状況に踊らされるのを許してしまっています。私たちは出来事の犠牲者であり続けてきた。私たちが私たち自身であることや、状況の主人となることは非常に稀です。ですから私たち自身に還ることはとても大切なのです。

〈第1日目――3 of 11〉


(聴き取れない語句は [...] の記号で置き換えています。)

And take the situation in hand. We have to be master of our feeling, of our emotions, of our perceptions. And not to become, not to continue to be their victim. This is the basic of our practice of peace. If you have some peace in our body, in our feelings, in our emotions, in our perceptions, and then you can help other to have peace in his or her emotions, perceptions, and feelings and so. We have to begin with ourselves. This is possible with the retreat, with the presence of people who know the practice and support us in the practice so that we can be a instrument of peace. You can't become instrument of peace if you have no peace within yourself. To become a instrument of peace, you become a instrument of God, of Allah, of the ultimate reality. And you are acting in the name of God, the name of Allah, the name of the ultimate reality, the name of the Buddha. This is possible, this is not something too difficult. You can do it.

Sometimes we feel very tired, we have no more energy, we want to give up. Situation is so difficult. If you that, you can't doing anything. You are only victim, you want to seek for a place where can be protected. You want to take refuge. You want to take refuge in God, in the Buddha, in Allah. It is like a wave on the ocean. Imagine a wave on the surface of the ocean. Very tired of going up and down and so on. And it would like to seek refuge. There is the refuge for the wave. That is water. If the wave recognize that she is water, and she seek refuge in the water, she no longer is afraid of going up, going down. That is very important that she knows that she is water. She doesn't have to seek water out of herself. You may like to seek refuge in God, in the Buddha, in Allah, in the ultimate reality. This is something possible.

I remember, in the month of the August this year, we had a retreat for police men, police women, and other [...] people, like prison guards and so on. The retreat took place in the Green Lake, in the state of Wisconsin, north America. You know that police officers in that state of Wisconsin are called "peace keepers". Police officers don't feel that have peace within themselves. How could they keep peace, they offer peace? That is why they needed a retreat in order to for them to have themselves to practice being peace. So that they can offer peace to the people on the street, in the families and so on.

On the 3rd or 4th day, I practiced doing calligraphy like "I have arrived. I'm home.", "Present moment, wonderful moment". People like to have calligraphy like that to hang in their house to remember the practice of being peace. And one person came to me and asked me "Could you write for me the calligraphy 'resting in God'?". 'Resting in God'. I did it.

You are a wave. You are so tired of going up, going down. You are afraid of be born, and be die. You feel that you are a victim, you want to look for something solid, something safe, something long lasting. Imagine you are waves looking for water. The most interesting thing is that you don't have to look for water if you are waves. You are water in the here and the now. God is not something existing outside of us. The ultimate, our refuge, is not something you have to find outside of us. It is right inside of us. "Resting in God" means "I take refuge in the ultimate". That ultimate you can call "buddhahood", or "God", or "Allah". You need it. You need ultimate.

You are tired. You feel tired as a wave. And you want to be water. You hope that you can find water somewhere. But in fact, water is in you, is you. And resting in God, you don't have to run. You have to go home to yourself like the wave. If the wave continue to run, she will never see and meet water. The only way for the wave to meet water is to go home to the self.

When the wave realize that she is water, she has peace. She practice resting in God in the here, in the now. And though she continue to go up and go down, she is peaceful. This is something we can practice. God is not objective entity but God is the ground of your being.

 そして状況を引き受けるのです。私たちは、自身の気持ち(feelings)や感情(emotions)や知覚(perceptions)の主人になる必要があります。それらの犠牲者になったり、犠牲者であり続けるのではなくて。これは私たちの平和の実践の根本です。身体や気持ち、感情、知覚の中に平和をもたらすことができたなら、次にあなたは他の人が感情や知覚や気持ちなどに平和をもたらすのを助けることができます。私たちは私たち自身から始めなければいけません。それはこのリトリートにおいて可能です。我々の実践(practice)を学んでいて、実践において私たちを助けてくれる人々が居ることによって、それができるのです。そして私たちは平和の道具(instrument of peace)となることができます。あなたの中に平和をもたらすことができなければ、あなたは平和の道具になることはできません。あなたが平和の道具になるということは、あなたが神の道具(instrument of God)となることであり、アラーの道具となること、根源的なリアリティ(ultimate reality)の道具となることです。そしてあなたは、神の名において、アラーの名において、根源的なリアリティの名において、ブッダの名において行動します。それは可能なことです。とても難しいというわけではありません。あなたもできますよ。



 そのリトリートの3日目か4日目に、私は書を書きました。書いたのは"I have arrived. I'm home."や、"Present moment, wonderful moment."などの言葉です。リトリートに参加していた人たちは、平和である実践(practice of being peace)を忘れないようにするために、そういう書を自宅に架けたいと言っていました。ある参加者が私のところへ来て言いました――「"resting in God"と書に書いてもらえませんか?」。"resting in God"(神の中に安らぐ)。私はその書を書きました。

 あなたは「波」です。「波」であるあなたは、上がったり下がったりでとても疲れています。あなたは生まれることを怖れ、死ぬことを怖れます。あなたは自分を犠牲者だと感じていて、何か堅固で確かな、永久なものを欲しがります。自分は水を探している波だと想像してみてください。ここで最も興味深いことは、あなたが波であるならば、あなたは水を探す必要はないということです。あなたは今、ここにおいて「水」であるのです。神は私たちの外に存在する何かではありません。私たちの避難所である「根源」(ultimate)というものも、私たちが私たちの外に探し求めるべき何かではありません。それはまさに私たちの中にあります。"resting in God"(神の中に安らぐ)という言葉が意味するのは、「私は根源の中に安らぐ」ということです。*3その「根源」を"buddhahood"と呼ぶこともできるし、神(God)やアラー(Allah)と呼ぶこともできます。あなたはそれを必要としています。「根源」を必要としているのです。


 波が、自分自身は水であると分かったときに、波は平和を得ます。波は、神の中に安らぐことを今、ここで実践します。そうすれば波は、たとえ上がったり下がったりを続けたとしても、平和でいられるのです。これは私たちが実践できることです。神は客観的な実体(objective entity)ではありません。神はあなたの存在の土台(the ground of your being)です。

〈第1日目――4 of 11〉


(聴き取れない語句は [...] の記号で置き換えています。)

But you may like to ask the question:"What is God? Who is God? Who is Allah? Who is the Buddha?" And you say that:"I have to get a clear notion of God in order to really trust and go back to God". Because we need an explanation or description. That is why theologians have spent so much ink and saliva to give us an idea of what God is, who God is, and so on. We are very often deceived by them, theologians. Because we know that God is the absolute or the ultimate. And you can't say anything or write anything about the ultimate. That is very frustrating. You want to have a notion of God. And you want to take refuge in God. But maybe you are [...] taking refuge in the notion. And many of us are caught in that. Taking refuge in notion. You think that you are taking refuge in the Buddha, but you take refuge only in your notion of the Buddha. You think that you are taking refuge in Allah, but Allah is just notion you have in your head. And that is why in Plum Village we want to be realistic. We want you to take refuge in the present moment. In your inbreath, in your outbreath, in your steps. Much more concrete. Breathing in, you take refuge in your inbreath. You are entirely in your inbreath, you trust your inbreath. And together your inbreath you become peace. And when you breathe out, you take refuge in your outbreath. You become your outbreath. You trust your outbreath. You become peace with your outbreath.

In Plum Village, when you walk like this. Beginning step with your left foot, you take refuge in your step. And you can find you can get in touch with the ultimate in your step. You just make a step, you take refuge entirely in the step and ultimate become available to you in that moment of making the step. And you have to know how to make a step. You have to really take refuge in the step. You have to bring 100% of your body, 100% of your spirit in order to take refuge in the step in the step.

Because in our daily life, we have the habit of running. We walk as if run. We are seeking for peace, for success, for love, for God. And we are always under run. And our steps are the means for us to run away from the present moment. But according to the practice of Plum Village, life is available only in the present moment. God is available only in the present moment. Peace is available only in the present moment. That is why making step like this is stopping the running. It is the act of stopping running. For those of us who are you to be always running, it is a revolution to make a step and to stop all the running. You don't run away with your feet, you don't run away with your mind. You fully take refuge in the step. We fully make peace with your step. You are not seeking peace, you are not seeking God outside of your step. You make a step and if you know how to make peace and God, it come available in that moment of touching the earth with your feet.

This is slow walking. When I breathe in, I make a step. When I breath out, and I make another step. I, in the inbreath, entirely myself into making the step when I breathing in. I don't run anymore. I know that if I take refuge entirely in the step, I encounter the ultimate, I encounter God, and I encounter life. Because life is available only in the present moment. These are very simple things. But we don't have enough time to see. The past is already gone. The future is not yet there. There is only one moment when you can be to real life. That is the present moment. And life is available only in the present moment. And your inbreath bring you home to the present moment. Your step bring you home to the present moment. That is why so important to take refuge in your inbreath, and in your steps. Because they are the only means to bring you home to the present moment where you can touch life, where you can encounter life deeply.

Suppose you are taking a plane to go to New York. You think that you have to got in to the plane and sit there for 6 hours in order to arrive. Sitting in the plane, you think only of New York. You are not able to live the moments that offer to you now. But it is possible for you to walk into the plane in such a way that you enjoy New York at every step. We don't need to arrive New York in order to be peace, to be peaceful, to be happy. When you walk into the plane, every step bring you happiness. You arrive in every moment. To arrive means to arrive somewhere. When you practice walking meditation you arrive in every moment. You arrive a destination of life. Because the present moment is the destination.

Breathing in, I make a step. And I tell myself:"I have arrived". "I have arrived". This is the practice of Plum Village:"I have arrived". When you breathe in, you take refuge in your inbreath and you say :"I have arrived". When you make a step, you take refuge in your step and you say:"I have arrived". This is not a statement. Not a statement to yourself, to other person, or to the press. "I have arrived". It means:"I have stop running. I have arrive in the present moment".

 しかしあなたは、こう尋ねたくなるかもしれません――「神とは何なのか」、「神とは誰なのか」、「アラーとは誰か」、「誰がブッダなのか」。そしてあなたはこう言うのです――「神を本当に信じるために、そして神のもとへ還ってゆくために、神についてのはっきりした概念を手に入れなければいけない」。なぜそう言うかといえば、我々は説明や描写を求めるからです。ですから神学者たちは、神とは何か、神とは誰なのかということについての見解を我々に与えるために大量の本を書き、多くの議論を重ねてきました。我々は非常にしばしば、彼らに惑わされてしまいます。我々が神というものを「絶対的なものだ」とか「根源的なものだ」と理解しているからです。しかしあなたはその根源的なものについて何かを言ったり書いたりすることができません。それはとても欲求不満な状態です。あなたは神についての概念を欲しがり、神の中に安らぎたい(take refuge in God)と望みます。しかし、おそらくあなたは概念の中に避難しようとしているのでしょう。*4我々のほとんどは、概念にとらわれてしまいます。概念の中に避難する(taking refuge in notion)ということです。あなたがブッダの中に安らいだと思っても、あなたはただブッダという概念の中に避難しただけです。あなたがアラーの中に安らいだと思っても、そのアラーはあなたの頭の中の概念にすぎません。ですからプラムヴィレッジでは、私たちは現実的(be realistic)でありたいのです。私たちが望むのは、あなたが「今、この瞬間」(present moment)に安らぐことです。あなたが自分の吸う息に、吐く息に、一歩の歩みに安らぐことです。それは、より具体的なことです。息を吸って、あなたは吸う息に安らぎます。あなたは吸う息と全く一つになり、吸う息を信頼します。そして吸う息とともに、あなたは平和になります。またあなたが息を吐くとき、あなたは吐く息に安らぎます。あなたは吐く息になります。そして吐く息を信頼します。あなたは吐く息とともに平和になります。





ニューヨークへ行くために飛行機に乗っているところを想像してみてください。飛行機に乗り込み、到着するまでに6時間座っていなければならないな、とあなたは思います。飛行機の中に座って、あなたはニューヨークのことだけを考えます。あなたは「現在」を生きることができないわけです。でも、あなたはニューヨークですべての歩みを楽しむときと同じように飛行機の中を歩くことができるのです。私たちは、平和になるため、幸せになるためにニューヨークへ着く必要はありません。あなたが飛行機の中を歩くとき、一歩一歩の全てのステップがあなたに幸せをもたらします。あなたはすべての瞬間に到着するのです。「到着する」という言葉は「どこかに到着する」ということを意味するわけですが、あなたが「歩く瞑想」(walking meditation)を実践するときに到着するところは、すべての瞬間(every moment)です。あなたは人生の目的地に着くわけです。なぜなら、「今、この瞬間」こそが目的地だからです。

 息を吸って、私は一歩を歩みます。そして自分にこう告げます――「私は到着した」("I have arrived")。これがプラムヴィレッジの実践です――「私は到着した」。あなたが息を吸うとき、あなたは吸う息に安らいで、そしてこう言います――「私は到着した」。あなたが一歩を歩むとき、あなたはその歩みに安らいで、そしてこう言います――「私は到着した」。これは意見表明ではありません。あなた自身や他の人々への意見表明ではありませんよ。「私は到着した」――これが意味するのは、「私は走り回ることを止めた。私は今、この瞬間に到着した」ということです。

〈第1日目――5 of 11〉


(聴き取れない語句は [...] の記号で置き換えています。)

Because only the present moment contains life. The past is no longer there. The future is not yet there. Only the present moment has life in it. So when I breathe in and take refuge my inbreath, I touch life deeply. When I take a step and I take refuge entirely myself, I touch life deeply. And by doing that I stop running. Stopping running is very important practice. Because we are having running all our life. We believe that peace, happiness, success are there. We don't know that everything should be look for in the here and the now――peace, happiness, stability. "I have arrived" means "I have arrived in the here and now". The address of life. Here, now――"herenow.com".

Life is available only in the here and now. God is available only in the here and now. That is why is very important to go home to the here and now. And you have wonderful means to go home to the here and now. And that is why we have to learn how to take refuge in our inbreath. Because with one inbreath you can arrive in the here and now. And stop all the running. With a step, you arrive the here and now, and touch God, touch ultimate, touch peace in yourself. Restore peace in yourself.

There is seed of peace and joy within yourself. And if you know how to take refuge in your inbreath, in your step, you can touch the seed of peace and joy in yourself and make them manifest for your enjoyment. So instead of taking refuge in the notion, in the big notion, obstacle notion, God, Buddha, Allah, we want to take refuge in the reality of the ultimate. And God can be touched in your inbreath, can be touched in your step. And many of us have succeeded in doing so. With you enjoy living deeply every moment our daily life by the practice of touching the ultimate, touching joy of peace in the here and now. It sounds easy. Everyone can do it. But it takes some training. Because if you are used to run all your life, it has become a habit. The habit of running. Running to seek for something. So that practice of stopping is a very crucial.

Stopping. You stop by what? You stop by means of your inbreath, by means of your outbreath. You stop by means of your making steps. That is why the basic practice in Plum Village is the practice of mindful breathing, mindful walking. And if you master these practice and then you can practice mindful eating, mindful drinking, mindful cooking, mindful driving. And you are always with God. You are always with the ultimate. You are always with life. You are always with peace and happiness. Don't do like that teacher and his students always running until they see a funeral and realize that this is the ultimate there this final picnic. Should not do like them. We have to enjoy our picnic right here and right now. And you have the instruments of enjoying your picnic right here and right now to enjoy your inbreath, to enjoy your steps. And if you think that is very difficult to make an inbreath, you have wrong. If you think that is very difficult to make a step in mindfulness, you have wrong. Because they are highly enjoyable. Because you can touch peace by just by breathing in, you can getting touch with peace where make a step. You touch the seed of peace inside of us. And you remove the tension in your body, in your feelings. You remove the conflict within your feelings, your perceptions by breathing like that, by sitting like that, by walking like that, by eating like that. The practice is the practice of mindfulness. Mindfulness of breathing, mindfulness of walking, mindfulness of eating, mindfulness of dish-washing, mindfulness of cooking. Always they are live in the here and now. And not allow yourself to be pulled away by the future, by your worries about the future, your projects about future, your regrets about the past.

We have to recover, to reclaim our freedom. Because we have lost our freedom. We are caught by our past. We are caught by our worries concerning the future. We don't have the capacity to be here and be now in order to touch life. That is why is very important to learn the art of being peace in the here and now. And with the presence our community of practice, this become very easy.

On your left, there is a friend who knows how to breathe in and out and touch the present moment. In your right, there is another friend who knows how to make a step and how peacefully and happy in the present moment. Behind you, there is a sister who can do like that. In front of you, there is a brother who can do like that. You are surrounding by people who know the art of living in the present moment. Stopping the running, and touching the seed of peace and joy that are in everyone of us. And become an instrument of peace, of peaceful people around us.

I have arrived. This is a practice. And not a statement, not a declaration. I have arrived. I have arrived in the here in the now. And I am in the situation where I can touch life deeply with all the wonders. The rain is a wonder. The sunshine is wonder. The trees are wonder. The faces of children are wonders. There are so many wonders of life around us. There are so many wonders of life inside of us. The eyes is a wonder. You need to open them, and then you can see all kind of colors and forms. Your heart is wonder. If your heart stop function, and then nothing can continue. That is why when you go home to the present moment, you touch the wonders of life that are inside of us and around us. And you just enjoy, you don't have to wait for tomorrow in order to have peace and joy.

I have arrived. This is the practice. And when you breath in, you say that: "I have arrived". And whether you have arrived or not, you know. Whether you are still running, you know. Even if you are sitting quietly like this, but you are still running within your mind.

 なぜなら、「今、この瞬間」のみが人生(life)をその中に含むからです。過去は、もうありません。未来は、まだ来ていません。「今、この瞬間」のみが人生(life)をその中に含んでいます。ですから、私が息を吸ってその息に安らぐとき、私は人生に深く触れます。私が一歩を歩んで自分自身に完全に安らぐとき、私は人生に深く触れます。そのようにして、私は走り回ることを止めるのです。走り回るのを止めることは非常に大切な実践です。我々はいつでも走り回っているのですから。我々は、平和や幸福や成功は他所にあるのだと信じてしまっています。あらゆることは「今、この瞬間」において探されるべきなのだということを我々は分かっていません。平和、幸福、安定性などです。「私は到着した」("I have arrived")という言葉は、「私は、今・ここに到着した」という意味です。それは人生のアドレスです。今、ここ――"herenow.com"。

 今・ここ(the here and now)においてのみ、人生に触れることができます。今・ここにおいてのみ、神に触れることができます。ですから今・ここに還ることは非常に大切なのです。あなたは、今・ここに還るための素晴らしい方法を手にしています。ですから私たちは、吸う息にどのようにして安らぐのかを学ばなければいけません。あなたは1つの吸う息とともに今・ここへ到着することができるからです。そして全ての走り回ることを止めてください。あなたは一歩の歩みとともに、今・ここに到着します。そして神(God)に触れ、根源(ultimate)に触れ、あなたの中の平和に触れます。あなた自身の中に平和を取り戻してください。

 あなたの中には平和と喜びの種子があります。吸う息や一歩の歩みにどのように安らぐのかを知っていれば、あなたは自分自身の中の平和と喜びの種子に触れることができます。そしてそれらを発芽させるのです。*6ですから我々は、概念――よく目立つ概念や、邪魔になる概念もある――に避難したり、「神」の概念、「ブッダ」の概念、「アラー」の概念に避難したりする代わりに、根源のリアリティ(the reality of the ultimate)に安らぎたいのです。そうすれば、神はあなたの吸う息の中や一歩の歩みの中で触れることのできるものとなります。私たちのうちの多くの人が、そのようにして成功をおさめてきました。今・ここにおいて根源や平和の喜びに触れる実践をすることによって、日常生活のすべての瞬間を深く生きることを楽しむのです。それは易しいことだと思います。誰でもできることですよ。ただし、練習が少し必要です。あなたがこれまで常に走り回っていたのなら、走ることがあなたの習慣になってしまっていますから。走り回るという習慣です。何かを探して駆け回るということです。ですから、止まるという実践がとても大切です。

 止まるということ。あなたは何によって止まるのでしょうか。吸う息によって、吐く息によって、一歩一歩を歩むことによって止まるのです。ですからプラムヴィレッジでの基本的な実践は、マインドフルな呼吸とマインドフルな歩行です。その実践ができるようになったら、マインドフルに食事すること、マインドフルに飲むこと、マインドフルに料理をすること、マインドフルに運転することを実践できるようになります。そしてあなたはいつでも神とともにあり、根源とともにあり、人生とともにあり、平和と幸福とともにあります。街で葬列を目にして、それが人生で唯一の、急ぐ必要のないピクニックであると気づくまで走りまわっていた、あの先生と生徒のようにならないでください。*7彼らのようになるべきではありません。私たちは、ピクニックを今・ここにおいて楽しまなければなりません。あなたは、今・ここでピクニックを楽しむための方法を手にしています。それは吸う息を楽しみ、一歩一歩の歩みを楽しむということです。息を吸うのは難しいことだと思っているなら、それは間違いです。マインドフルな歩行は難しいと思っているなら、それも間違いです。それを実践するのはとても楽しいものなのですから。ただ息を吸うことによって平和に触れることができ、一歩を歩んだその場所で平和に触れることができるのですから。あなたは私たちの中にある平和の種子に触れるのです。そして身体と気持ちの中から緊張を取り除きます。あなたはそのように呼吸することによって、そのように座ることによって、そのように歩くことによって、そのように食事することによって、気持ちと知覚の中から葛藤を取り除きます。それがマインドフルネスの実践(the practice of mindfulness)です。マインドフルに呼吸すること、マインドフルに歩くこと、マインドフルに食事すること、マインドフルにお皿を洗うこと、マインドフルに料理をすること。いつでも「今・ここ」に生きるのです。未来や、未来についての心配や、未来における計画や、過去についての後悔に引っ張られることのないようにするのです。

 私たちは自由を取り戻さなければなりません。今まで自由を失ってきたのですから。私たちは過去に囚われ、未来についての心配に囚われています。今・ここに在るための余裕――それは人生に触れるためのものです――を私たちは手にしていません。ですから、今・ここにおいて平和である術(the art of being peace)を学ぶことはとても大切なのです。この実践を行う私たちのコミュニティと共に居ることによって、それを学ぶことはとても易しくなります。

 息をどのように吸って吐き、どのように「今、この瞬間」に触れるかを知っている仲間が、あなたの左側に居ます。どのように一歩を歩むかを知り、「今、この瞬間」がどのように平和で幸福であるかを知っている仲間が、あなたの右側に居ます。あなたの前と後ろにも、そのような実践をすることができる仲間がいます。あなたは「今、この瞬間」を生きる術を知っている人たちに囲まれているわけです。走り回ることを止めて、私たち皆の中にある平和と喜びの種子に触れます。そして平和の道具(instrument of peace)となり、私たちの周りにいる平和な人々の道具となるのです。

 「私は到着した」("I have arrived")。これは実践であって、意見表明や宣言ではありません。私は到着した。私は今・ここに到着した。そして私は、すべての奇跡(wonders)とともに人生に深く触れることのできる場所に居ます。雨は奇跡です。日光は奇跡です。木々は奇跡です。子供たちの顔は奇跡です。私たちの周りには人生の奇跡がたくさんあります。私たちの内側にも、たくさんの奇跡があります。この眼は奇跡です。眼を開けてください。すると、あらゆる種類の色と形を見ることができます。あなたの心臓は奇跡です。心臓が働きを止めたら、どんなことも続けられません。ですからあなたが「今、この瞬間」に還ったときには、あなたは私たちの内と外にある人生の奇跡に触れ、それをただ楽しむのです。平和と喜びを得るために明日を待つ必要はありません。


〈第1日目――6 of 11〉


(聴き取れない語句は [...] の記号で置き換えています。)

So “I have arrived” is not a statement. You know whether you have arrived or not. And if you feel you arrive, you must be very happy. You must tell your friend: “Dear friend, I have really arrived”. You tell Thay: “Thay, I have really arrived”. This is good news. And when you make a step, “I have arrived”. It is wonderful to be arrive in at every moment. That is why where you walk, you don't talk. If you are busy talking, [...] how can you arrive? And that is why in Plum Village we have the habit of not talking when we walk. Because we enjoy every step we make. And if you need to say something, and then you stop all together and you say it. And you invest 100% of yourself in saying that. One thing at a time. And after you have finished or after you have finished listening to other person, you resume walking and to enjoy every step. And if you know how to walk like that you are always in the kingdom of God, you are always in the presence of Allah, you are always in the Pure Land of the Buddha like the waves. She is always in the kingdom of water. It is wonderful. It is possible. “I have arrived. I'm home”.

When you breathe in, you say: “I have arrived”. When you breathe out, you say: “I'm home”. Where is my true home? It is here and now. Because only in the here and now that you have a real refuge. The present moment is your true home. Because it has life in it. And in the present moment you can get in touch with your ancestors, with God, with your children and grandchildren. They are already available in the present moment. That is your true home. And if you feel that you are home, your practice is successful. You feel that you are home, you don't need to run anymore. You still feel that, you need to run, you have not arrived. You are not home yet. So if you really feel that you are comfortable in the here and now, you are home. This is very good news. And that is not to difficult. If you really wanted, and you can be home right here and right now. Your home is not only in the Middle East, your home is here. Your home is not only in Holland, in England, in America, your home is here. “Here”, it doesn't means France or Plum Village, “here” means more than that. “Here” means life. Or the wonders of life are available in the here and now. You are home to the kingdom of wonders, the kingdom of God, the Pure Land of Buddha.

“I have arrived. I'm home”. That is wonderful. It brings you a lot of joy, lot of peace, lot of happiness. So I wish that all my friends here to enjoy walking meditation where the here with us in the I-P retreat. And that they can continue like that when they go home.

Imagine the police officers. They practice arrive in the here and now breathing and smiling. This is the first time [...] police man and woman practice walking luxury like that――”I have arrived. I'm home.”. and have real peace in them. Without peace, they have a lot of fear, they have a lot of anger, wrong perceptions. And they can't serve people. They can kill people by mistakes just by their fear, their luck of peace. That is why police man and police woman need a lot of peace within themselves.

In the month of September, we have the retreat for members of the congress in Washington D.C. That is wonderful to see congress man and woman practice: “I have arrived. I'm home”. Because they used to running all day. You know that they have to be elected every two years. So their life is just continue the struggle to get to be elected. I told them: “Ladies and gentlemen, you can practice enjoy walking on capital hill”. Because they may not have been able to do that before the retreat. They only think of the work they do. And I suggest that they walk like that in capital hill enjoy every step they make.

We have our own territory of peace. And they are inside. Our territory is made by five elements.

Body is part of our territory. We have to bring peace in it. We have to remove the conflicts. We have to remove the tension and pain.

We have our feelings or emotions. So lot of storm, lot of conflict, lot of afflictions of pain in the realm of our emotions. That is why we have to learn how to bring peace to the territory of our emotions, of our feelings.

We have the territory of our perceptions. When I look at the marker, I have the perception of the marker. Whether my perception are correspond to reality of the marker or not. That is the question. Because we live with our wrong perceptions. We believe that: "We are only the one of suffers. They are only making us suffer, they don't suffer at all". That is the kind of wrong perceptions. If you have the time to breathe in, breathe out and have peace in yourself, you see that there is the group of people, they are also suffer [...] like we have. And they need to be helped, not to be punished. And that is why peace shouldn't be possible without removing elements of wrong perceptions in us.

ですから、“I have arrived”(私は到着した)というのは意見表明ではありません。あなたが到着したかどうかは、あなたが分かります。到着したことを感じたなら、あなたはとても幸福なはずです。あなたは友人にこう言うに違いありません――「友よ、私は本当に到着したよ」。先生にも、こう言うでしょう――「先生、私は本当に到着しました」。それはとてもよいニュースです。また、あなたが一歩を歩むとき、あなたは言います――「私は到着した」。すべての瞬間に到着するのは素晴らしいことです。ですから、あなたは歩くときには話さないのです。話すのに忙しかったら、どうやって「到着」できるでしょう? ですからプラムヴィレッジでは、歩くときには話さないことを習慣にしています。私たちは一歩一歩の全ての歩みを楽しむのですから。あなたが何かを語る必要があれば、全員一緒に歩みを止めて、そのうえであなたが語るのです。あなたは、語ることに自分自身を100%注ぎます。一度にすることは一つです。あなたが語り終わったら、あるいは他の人が語っていたのを聴き終えたら、あなたは歩みを再開し、一歩一歩の全ての歩みを楽しむのです。そのような歩み方を知ったなら、あなたはいつでも神の王国(the kingdom of God)にあり、アラーとともにあり、ブッダの浄土(the Pure Land of the Buddha)にあります……あの「波」のように。*8波はいつでも水の王国(the kingdom of water)にあります。それは素晴らしいことです。そして可能なことです。「私は到着した。私は帰郷した」。*9

息を吸ったとき、あなたは言います――「私は到着した」(I have arrived)。息を吐いたとき、あなたは言います――「私は帰郷した」(I'm home)。本当の故郷(home)は、どこでしょう? それは今・ここです。今・ここにおいてのみ、あなたは本当に安らぐ場所(real refuge)を得るからです。「今、この瞬間」はあなたの本当の故郷です。なぜなら「今、この瞬間」は生命(life)をそのなかに含むのですから。「今、この瞬間」において、あなたは先祖に触れることができ、神に触れることができ、あなたの子供たちや孫たちに触れることができます。彼らには、すでに「今、この瞬間」において会うことができます。「今、この瞬間」があなたの本当の故郷です。故郷に戻ったことを感じたなら、あなたの実践は成功しています。帰郷したことを感じたら、あなたはもう走り回る必要はありません。まだ走り回る必要を感じているなら、あなたはまだ「到着」していません。まだ帰郷していないわけです。ですから、今・ここに安らいでいることを本当に感じたら、あなたは故郷に戻っています。それはとてもよいニュースです。そして、難しいことではありません。あなたが本当に望めば、あなたは今・ここへ帰郷することができます。あなたの故郷は、中東やオランダ、イングランド、アメリカだけではなく、ここ(here)です。「ここ」はフランスやプラムヴィレッジを指すのではなく、それ以上のものを意味しています。「ここ」は生命(life)を意味しています。つまり、人生の奇跡(the wonders of life)は、今・ここにおいて触れることができるものなのです。あなたは奇跡の王国(the kingdom of wonders)に帰郷し、神の王国に帰郷し、ブッダの浄土に帰郷するのです。


あの警察官たちのことを想像してみてください。*10彼らは、息を吸って吐き、微笑んで今・ここに到着することを実践しました。警察官がそんなふうに贅沢に歩くことを実践するのは初めてのことです。そして彼らは自分自身のなかに平和をもたらします。平和がなければ、彼らはたくさんの恐怖や怒り、間違った知覚(wrong perceptions)を抱えてしまいます。それでは人々の役に立つことができません。彼らは、平和の欠如や恐怖による誤りで人を殺してしまうかもしれません。ですから警察官たちは自分自身のなかに十分な平和を必要としているのです。









*2:心の形成物(mental formations)については、〈第1日目――7 of 11〉以降に説明があります。参照:http://logues.hatenablog.com/entry/20031021/p1#day1-7

*3:「〜に安らぐ」、「〜に避難する」は"take refuge in 〜"の訳語として用いた表現で、他の段落でも同様です。

*4:この文の原文は "But maybe you are [...] taking refuge in the notion." で、[...]の部分が聴き取れないが、文脈から文意を補足し、本文のとおり訳した。


*6:「それらを発芽させる」は"make them manifest for your enjoyment"の訳で、動画内の字幕の表現を使わせて頂きました。

*7:「あの先生と生徒」については、〈第1日目――1 of 11〉 http://logues.hatenablog.com/entry/20031020/p1#day1-1 を参照。

*8:「波と水」の比喩については、〈第1日目――3 of 11〉以降に言及があります。参照:http://logues.hatenablog.com/entry/20031020/p1#day1-3

*9:「私は帰郷した」は、"I'm home"の訳語として用いた表現で、他の段落でも同様です。

*10:警察官については、〈第1日目――3 of 11〉に言及があります。参照:http://logues.hatenablog.com/entry/20031020/p1#day1-3